CAS merupakan Single Sign On (SSO) untuk kepentingan otentikasi dan otorisasi yang bersifat open source. Di dalam CAS ini juga terdapat fitur Multi-factor Authentication, Trusted Device, Geo Tracking, IP Intelligence, Password Management, reCAPTCHA dan fitur lainnya.
Single Sign On CAS 2023-11-01 21:05:05

CAS Melakukan Otentikasi Melalui API
Sisi CAS
Otentikasi REST diaktifkan dengan menambahkan salah satu dari depensi:
- Maven
- Gradle
- BOM-Spring
- BOM-Gradle
implementation "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-rest-authentication:${project.'cas.version'}"
dependencyManagement {
imports {
mavenBom "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-bom:${project.'cas.version'}"
dependencies {
implementation "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-rest-authentication"
dependencies {
The following platform references should be included automatically and are listed here for reference only.
implementation enforcedPlatform("org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-bom:${project.'cas.version'}")
implementation platform(org.springframework.boot.gradle.plugin.SpringBootPlugin.BOM_COORDINATES)
implementation "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-rest-authentication"
Konfigurasi koneksi berupa:<source rest api uri>
Kredensial akan dikirimkan oleh CAS melalui header Authorization
yang bernilai Basic XYZ
, di mana XYZ merupakan versi Base64 dari kredensial seperti di bawah ini:
#format: 'Authorization: Basic ' + base64_encode(<userName> + ':' + <password>)
#contoh header:
#user: test
#pass: sample
#header plain : Authorization: Basic test:sample
#header base64: Authorization: Basic dGVzdDpzYW1wbGU=
Kode respon yang dapat diterima oleh CAS:
Kode | Hasil |
200 | Berhasil |
403 | AccountDisabledException |
404 | AccountNotFoundException |
423 | AccountLockedException |
412 | AccountExpiredException |
428 | AccountPasswordMustChangeException |
Other | FailedLoginException |
Bodi respon dapat berupa:
"@class": "org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.SimplePrincipal",
"id": "casuser",
"attributes": {
"@class": "java.util.LinkedHashMap",
"names": [
"java.util.List", ["cas", "user"]
Sisi Server API Otentikasi
Contoh kode pada server API:
define('SuccessfulAuthentication', 200);
define('AccountDisabledException', 403);
define('AccountNotFoundException', 404);
define('AccountLockedException', 423);
define('AccountExpiredException', 412);
define('AccountPasswordMustChangeException', 428);
define('FailedLoginException', 430);
$code = FailedLoginException;
$headers = apache_request_headers();
if (isset($headers['Authorization'])) {
$token = explode(' ', $headers['Authorization']);
if (sizeof($token) == 2) {
$credential = explode(':', base64_decode($token[1]));
if (sizeof($credential) == 2) {
$user = $credential[0];
$pass = $credential[1];
// ... proses otentikasi
// alternatif error jika otentikasi gagal
// ... $code = AccountDisabledException;
// ... $code = AccountNotFoundException;
// ... $code = AccountLockedException;
// ... $code = AccountExpiredException;
// ... $code = AccountPasswordMustChangeException;
// jika otentikasi berhasil
// ... $code = SuccessfulAuthentication;
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
$body = (object) [ '@class' => 'org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.SimplePrincipal',
'id' => 'casuser',
'attributes' => (object) [ '@class' => 'java.util.LinkedHashMap' ]
$body->attributes->names = ['java.util.List', ['cas', 'user']];
echo json_encode($body);
Demikian, semoga bermanfaat. [bst]