Usage Example
[currentpost type="permalink, post_date"]
Result Example: 2021-01-01 00:00:00

Usage Example:
[currentpost type="post_author_nick_link"]
Result Example:
Usage Example:
[currentpost type="post_author_nick_link" label="This is the sample of post_author_nick_link"]
Result Example:
This is the sample of post_author_nick_link [bst]
Usage Example:
[currentpost type="toc_neighbour_by_id" label="1"]
Result Example:
- This is Heading
- This is another Heading
- This is Heading in page 2
- This is Heading in page 3
- This is another Heading in page 3
Usage Example:
[currentpost type="spreadsheet_to_html"]
Result Example:
Paste Your Table from Spreadsheet Here
work well with Wordpress Currentpost plugin
Bugs Fix
- 1.0.3
- Fix Missing closing UL in toc
- 1.0.5
- Fix Wrong URL of toc of neighbour link
- 1.0.6
- Remove space in the URL in the toc
- 1.0.8
- No link to anchor if URL of address bar different from permalink (smart link to TOC)
- 1.0.9
- Add indentation in TOC based on heading level
- Fix TOC if post use page break(s)
- 1.0.10
- Change the_author to get_the_author
- Fix now
- Fix style of link to TOC
- 1.0.11
- Add meta title and description
- 1.0.12
- Fix exact word between title and description from case sensitive to incase sensitive. Blog description as last option to generate meta description, not title.
- 1.0.13
- Exact word move to keyword, for post improvement purpose.
- Remove meta title.
- Can use both gutenberg and classic
- 1.0.14
- Meta show if only URL of address bar same as permalink
- 1.0.15
- Add open graph and json-ld. Thumbnail taken from featured image, then first image (img src), then image post attachment, if exists.
- Fix extract_tags_current_post when handle self closing
- 1.0.16
- Add date published and modified in meta head
- 1.0.17
- Add open graph and json-ld for index
- 1.0.18
- Add Jquery Datatables from usual table
- Add tools to convert from spreadsheet to HTML and an shortcode of currentpost jquery datatables
- 1.0.19
- Fix tools (from echo to return)
- Fix closing ul in TOC
- 1.0.20
- Add date format ‘Y-m-d-hijriah’, add Hijri to Post’s Date (Bahasa Indonesia Only)
- 1.0.21
- Change date format ‘Y-m-d-hijriah’ to ‘Y-m-d-#’; and add short format ‘Y-m-d-$’ (Bahasa Indonesia Only)
- 1.0.22
- Override both the_time and get_the_time
- 1.0.23
- bugs fix on override get_the_time
- 1.0.24
- remove the_time (the_time call get_the_time)
- 1.0.25
- Change date format ‘Y-m-d-#’ to ‘Y-m-d-4’ and ‘Y-m-d-$’ to ‘Y-m-d-5’ (Bahasa Indonesia Only)
- Fix date and time problem
- 1.0.28
- use id=”exclude_toc” on header to exclude it from TOC
Hijri date format (Bahasa Indonesia Only):
Setting > General > Date Format: Y-m-d-4
Hijri short format
Setting > General > Date Format: Y-m-d-5
One reply on “How To Use currentpost WordPress Plugin”
[…] [currentpost type="toc_neighbour_by_url" label=""%5D How To Use currentpost WordPress Plugin […]