It all started with the need to make posts that easy to share. As a person who lacks talent in graphic design and has limited free time, making posters for post can be tough. Finally an idea arose: how to make a post that easy to screenshot and shareable without editing in graphics software. So that was born currentpost. The implementation is there is a quote from somebody or a summary of the post in the post accompanied by image, title of the post, publish date and the permalink of the post. Without plugin, it is hard to write down that stuff. On further developments, there is a need to create a table of contents, table of contents for both any other post to create an index post or the post itself.
Plugin’s URL:
currentpost: This is a shortcode to display current post information. For example, you can use this shortcode below quote, so you can screenshot and share easily, your quote and link of the post.
currentpost by Basit AP
How To currentpost
Just Insert Shortcode
[currentpost type="type"] or [currentpost type="type1,type2,..."] to show current post information. You cannot repeat same type in one shortcode. This plugin will add meta keywords, meta description, open graph and json-ld automatically if only URL of address bar same as permalink. Meta keywords based on exact word between title and description (for post improvement purpose). Thumbnail taken from featured image, then first image (img src), then image post attachment, if exists
[currentpost type="type" label="label"] or [currentpost type="type1,type2,..." label="label1,label2,..."] to add label for current post information. For toc_neighbour_by_id and toc_neighbour_by_url, provide the id or url in the label. Use empty string to not show the label for spesific type, for example: “,this is second”. For TOC, default label is “Contents”.
Available Type
== POST ==
“ID” The ID of the post
“post_author” The post author’s user ID (numeric string)
“post_author_link” a href of post author’s name (author portofolio)
“post_author_nick_link” a href of post author’s nickname in square brackets, example: [nickname] (author portofolio)
“post_date” Format: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
“post_date_gmt” Format: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
“post_content” The full content of the post
“post_title” The title of the post
“post_excerpt” User-defined post excerpt
“post_status” Returns: Post status on success, false on failure
“comment_status” Returns: { open, closed }
“ping_status” Returns: { open, closed }
“permalink” URL of the post
“permalink_link”: a href of permalink
“address_bar_permalink”: URL on the address bar
“address_bar_permalink_link”: a href of URL on the address bar
== BLOG ==
“blog_name” Site title (set in Settings > General) where the post belong
“blog_description” Site tagline (set in Settings > General) where the post belong
“blog_wpurl” The WordPress address (URL) (set in Settings > General) where the post belong
“blog_wpurl_link” a href of The WordPress address (URL) (set in Settings > General) where the post belong
“blog_url” The Site address (URL) (set in Settings > General) where the post belong
“blog_url_link” a href of The Site address (URL) (set in Settings > General) where the post belong
“blog_charset” The “Encoding for pages and feeds” (set in Settings > Reading) where the post belong
“blog_language” Language code for the current site where the post belong
“blog_atom_url” The Atom feed URL (/feed/atom) of the site where the post belong
“blog_atom_url_link” a href of The Atom feed URL (/feed/atom) of the site where the post belong
“blog_rdf_url” The RDF/RSS 1.0 feed URL (/feed/rdf) of the site where the post belong
“blog_rdf_url_link” a href of The RDF/RSS 1.0 feed URL (/feed/rdf) of the site where the post belong
“blog_rss_url” The RSS 0.92 feed URL (/feed/rss) of the site where the post belong
“blog_rss_url_link” a href of The RSS 0.92 feed URL (/feed/rss) of the site where the post belong
“blog_rss2_url” The RSS 2.0 feed URL (/feed) of the site where the post belong
“blog_rss2_url_link” a href of The RSS 2.0 feed URL (/feed) of the site where the post belong
“blog_comments_atom_url” The comments Atom feed URL (/comments/feed)
“blog_comments_atom_url_link” a href of The comments Atom feed URL (/comments/feed)
“blog_comments_rss2_url” The comments RSS 2.0 feed URL (/comments/feed)
“blog_comments_rss2_url_link” a href of The comments RSS 2.0 feed URL (/comments/feed)
== AUTHOR ==
“author_description” The post author’s biographical info
“author_display_name” The post author’s display name publicly as
“author_first_name” The post author’s first name
“author_last_name” The post author’s last name
“author_nickname” The post author’s nick name
== TIME ==
“now” what time is it? Current time or snapshot time of cache/index
== TOC ==
use id=”exclude_toc” on header to exclude it from TOC
“toc”: table of content from all heading (optional: link to anchor), with link to TOC in the bottom of the page
“toc_without_back”: table of content from all heading (optional: link to anchor)
“toc_neighbour_by_id”: table of content from all heading in other post in the same web, by id (optional: link to anchor)
“toc_neighbour_by_url”: table of content from all heading in other post in the same web, by url (optional: link to anchor)
== Data Tables ==
“spreadsheet_to_html”: display tools to convert spreadsheet to HTML code and add an spreadsheet_to_html shortcode
“datatable”: convert usual table to jquery datatables
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[…] [currentpost type="toc_neighbour_by_url" label=""%5D How To Use currentpost WordPress Plugin […]